Custom Wraparound Book Covers ($200)
- Dimensions of wraparound book covers vary by page count and book size
Optional Bonus Buys
- Add eBook Cover ($50)
- Add Audio Cover ($50)
Custom eBook Cover ($175)
Delivered in two dimensions
- 3200 x 4800 pixels (Works best for Amazon/Print)
- 1600 X 2400 pixels (Works best for other eBook sites)
Custom Audio Cover ($175)
Delivered in two dimensions
- 1600 x 1600 pixels
- 2400 x 2400 pixels
~Stock Photo Service ($40)
Ciquette Media prefers to use 3D graphics in covers due to the benefits. Unlimited copies and sales are allowed with the covers Ciquette Media creates using 3D graphics. In addition, the chances of you seeing your cover with the exact same model(s) using the exact same pose is slim. This is because 3D modeling technology creates limitless possibilities. A base model can be manipulated to have a variety of different facial features, colorations, body shapes, hair styles & color, wardrobe, etc.
That being said, Ciquette Media will incorporate stock photos into your design if you wish. Be warned: Stock photos do not provide exclusive use to the photos. As such, you may find the stock photo on your cover used on other covers and media. This service includes:
- Incorporate up to 3 stockphotos
- Stock photo search
- Limited to 250,000 copies or sales
~Included with all Custom Covers~
- Hi res (Resolution 300 dpi)
- Choice of png, jpg, and/or gif formats
- Guarantee your cover will not be resold
- Removal of watermarks
Need S.W.A.G.? Check out the Add-on Services!
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