Interior Book Formatting Starting at $20
Choose from a selection of 4 basic templates. The templates are designed with the readers in mind. The fonts for each design are easy on the eyes, while also taking into account the genre of the book. For a more customized feel, consider our add ons.
Template Pages
- Praise section X 2
- Available works
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication/Acknowledgements
- Chapter Numbers/Chapter Titles
- Main content
- Available works/Advertisements
- About the author
- Additional pages available as add on services.
Acceptable Submission Formats
Ciquette Media prefers to receive submissions as Word documents, but you may submit your documents in any of the formats listed below.
- Word Document (.doc, .docx) PREFERRED
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Pages (.pages)
- OpenOffice (.odt)
- Ask about other formats
Converted File Format Options
Ciquette Media understands one size does not fit all. Therefore, we offer the ability to choose the format(s) which best suit your need.
- PDF – Best for Print on Demand services, such as CreateSpace, Lightning Source, Lulu, and Ingram Spark.
- Word Document – Great for submitting to agents and publishers. Smashwords (online book retailer which allows submissions to multiple ebook stores, such as Apple, B&N, Kobo, etc.) also requires a clean Word document.
- EPub – Industry preferred standard for electronic books. Other than Amazon, EPub is used for Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, Google, and Apple.
- Mobi – Format used for Amazon for the Kindle.
Available Templates
- Traditional – Best for Literary Fiction and Memoir
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- Contemporary – Best for General Nonfiction
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- Unexpected – Best for Thriller, Mystery, and Science Fiction
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- Fun – Best for Romance and Women’s Literature
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